The Challenge 🤕
The healthcare staff alone cannot guarantee constant patient monitoring without an system of devices that supports them in reduce fall risk.
- Patient falls are a common and very serious healthcare problem resulting in:
High human costs; - Organizational costs;
Solution 🚦
Introduction of a Remote Patient Monitoring System which is composed of 2 main elements:
- A Device used as a bed exit sensor (can be bed fixed, mobile or wearable by the patient);
- A Patient Monitoring Software that generates bed exit alarm in real time;
ENLITEON has designed a bed-exit sensor that can seamlessly retrofit any existing bed.
The Benefit 🙂
The sensor issues immediate bed-exit alarm which could result in a timely and effective incident avoidance whithout need the costant monitoring of caregivers alone.
If you want to know more about
How does bed exit remote patient monitoring work
Feel free to reach us: